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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we do provide financial aid based on demonstrated need. During the enrollment process, you will have the opportunity to apply for financial aid. Please contact us for more information.

100% yes, we operate on a rolling admissions basis and will accept applications until May 15th, 2024. We strongly recommend applying early.

The skills and experiences you gain from this program will not only boost your college applications but will also be invaluable in your future career. Whether you choose to pursue entrepreneurship or another path, the problem-solving, leadership, and teamwork skills you develop here will serve you well.

The program requires a commitment of 7 hours a day for 2 weeks. It's an intensive experience, designed to immerse you fully into the entrepreneurial mindset and process. We recommend that you consider your other commitments and ensure you can dedicate the required time to get the most out of the MLV Ignite program.

Don't worry if you don't already have a business idea! Our program is designed to guide you through the entire process of ideation, planning, and launching a startup. The important part is your willingness to learn and your passion for entrepreneurship.

Super easy. The application process involves three stages: the submission of your online application, an interview, and, if successful, the enrollment process. Please refer to the 'Apply' section for more detailed information.

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